Grey Bruce County reports no beach closures in 2013

Posted: Friday, May 23, 2014

Thanks to good conditions and good sample results, no beaches were posted in Grey Bruce in 2013.

The upper Lake Huron region was not significantly affected by the high intensity storms experienced in other areas of the province last year.

Observations during beach visits show that temperatures were generally not high, with mostly settled conditions, clear skies and clear water.

Environment Canada data shows that temperatures were cooler than recent summers and close to climate norms. Rainfall was also closer to norms.

In Grey Bruce, 123 beach sampling visits were carried out by Public Health. Multiple samples were taken on each visit.

None of the results exceeded the federal limit for a single sample of 400cfu (E. coli Colony Forming Units), while seven samples exceeded the provincial limit of 100cfu.

In all cases, the results exceeding provincial limits coincided with environmental factors such as heavy rain or high turbidity.

Many agencies – including the Ontario ministries of Natural Resources and the Environment, and local municipalities – play a role in water testing.

Public Health is responsible for testing and informing the public about municipal beaches.

A Beach Management Protocol is used to direct activities in the prevention and reduction of water-borne illness.

The document is revised on a regular basis to reflect current science, with the most recent revision including allowances to use computer modelling at appropriate beaches.

Health Units conduct a pre-season assessment and sample water at beaches at least once per week during the season.

The sampling results are combined with knowledge from historical results, other environmental factors, and any available epidemiological evidence to respond appropriately.

Health Units use a combination of beach signage, website information and media to keep the public informed.

A beach will be posted when evidence indicates that the water is potentially dangerous to the health of anyone using the beach.