Ontario’s climate change adaptation board game

Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015


Adapting to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events can be a complex and daunting task. We can increase our ability to adapt by working together to identify the impacts, opportunities, strategies and common goals we face with climate change. But Ontario has a very diverse population of people and organizations. How can we come together to take action?

To help start discussions around climate change, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has developed WeatherCheck! Ontario’s Climate Change Adaptation Board Game. The game is designed for small groups to increase their awareness of climate change impacts and opportunities, particularly in the agriculture and food sectors.

Before starting board game play, participants are introduced to climate change and extreme weather events through a short presentation by a facilitator, using materials provided by the ministry.

Then it is active learning as participants are divided into teams to make decisions, and choose adaptation strategies and actions based on challenges and opportunities from climate change and extreme weather events. Working through the scenarios and examples together leads to thought-provoking dialogue around climate change, and how we all can have a role in climate change adaptation. As play progresses, the teams come together as a group to continue the discussions and share ideas individually – and together – for taking action on climate change.

How might climate change affect Lake Huron and the surrounding communities? Let’s start that conversation. WeatherCheck! materials can be obtained to facilitate your group discussions. For more information, contact Dave Bray, Environmental Specialist at OMAFRA, at (519) 271-4771, dave.bray@ontario.ca.