Caring for the coast starts with learning about the coast

Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015

When we think of Lake Huron we often conjure images of sandy beaches and the serenity of gentle waves reaching the shore. Lake Huron’s coastline is really a complex web of interacting features and processes working in a delicate balance, providing us with a rich diversity for all to enjoy. The Lake Huron coastline is made up of ecosystems unlike any others in the province. It is the result of 10,000 years of evolution, developing coastal features and life forms that have unique adaptations to the coastal environment.

Coastal bluffs have either developed from past lake levels, or are currently evolving. The evolving ones erode naturally and provide a vital source of sand for beaches downshore. Along other parts of the shoreline, relatively more stable bluffs tend to have tree cover established, and this vegetation helps to prevent erosion, including landslides. Maintaining this vegetation cover is important, despite the urge some people get to want a clear, unobstructed view of the lake.

Dune systems not only provide important habitat for some of the rarest plant and animal species in Ontario, but also contribute to maintaining good quality beaches, provide protection from storms, and capture blowing sand. Dune systems only comprise about 1.5% of Ontario’s Great Lakes coastline, making them a rare landform. They are also one of the most vulnerable ecosystems, and are in decline, mainly because of human activities. These declining ecosystems are leading to a decline in beach quality.

Coastal wetlands are different than their interior cousins. Coastal wetlands are linked to lake levels and they change with the changing water levels. These wetlands are not only important for purifying the water, but they provide habitat for over half of Lake Huron’s native fish populations. Ontario has lost over 75% of its coastal wetlands due to development pressures.

Alvars are very special ecosystems that are located on the Bruce Peninsula and Manitoulin Island. They are characterized by limestone bedrock with a very shallow soil layer and specially adapted plants. Alvars are globally rare.

Many of the special ecosystems along the shoreline (dunes, bluffs, wetlands, alvars) are at risk because of people’s activities that damage fragile plants, or alter the processes that sustain these ecosystems. As a result, the quality of our coast is deteriorating. Adopting practices that minimize our impacts and respect the needs of these remarkable ecosystems will lead to a brighter future for our coast.

Learn about Lake Huron’s coastal environment ( The more you know, the more you’ll appreciate the wonders of our natural coastline.