Working with Pine River landowners to plant trees

Pine River Watershed Initiative Network works in partnership with local landowners to plant trees
The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network (PRWIN) continues to work with local landowners in the community to realize the Network’s vision of “clean water and a healthy ecosystem within the Pine River watershed.”
This spring, directors and other volunteers planted seedlings to create a windbreak, a buffer, and to reforest retired farmland. This is “another step moving forward to improve the water quality in our community watershed.”
The planted seedlings include a mix of Red Maple; White Cedar; White Spruce; Norway Spruce; White Oak; Black Walnut; and Black Cherry.
The PRWIN thanks its directors (David Grant, Murray Jamieson, Don Farrell, Bill Smith) and volunteers Jim Roberts and Connor Dixon for their time and efforts to complete the reforestation sites.
The Network also gives a special thanks to Maitland Valley Conservation Authority and Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority for sourcing the seedlings.
The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network welcomes projects from local landowners. Berms, tree planting, cattle crossing and wetlands are the majority of project requests.
Landowners allow PRWIN to help them manage in-ground projects by working together to secure funding and co-ordinate contractors.
The Network says this is a great opportunity to protect and enhance the Pine River watershed.
You are invited to please contact PRWIN at