Provincial Funding Announcement

Posted: Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On December 20, 2011, London West MPP Chris Bentley announced $700,000 in Showcasing Water Innovation funding for the development of a rural storm water management model and implementing this in the five priority areas of the Healthy Lake Huron project. 

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Ontario is helping Bayfield and 28 other communities create smarter solutions to protect water - one of our most valuable resources - and to provide safe, reliable clean drinking water to Ontarians.

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is developing an innovative rural stormwater management model thanks to a grant of $700,000 through the Showcasing Water Innovation program. The model will also be field tested in five high priority watersheds along the southeast shore of Lake Huron. This program supports projects with innovative and cost-effective ways to improve drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems.

ABCA Background Information on Rural Stormwater Management Model

Ontario has the highest standards for clean water in North America and has gone on to develop water technologies that are used around the world. Partnering with business on water innovation projects is a key component of the McGuinty government’s plan to become the continent’s water innovation leader by 2015 and create new clean jobs for Ontario families.


“We are seizing the opportunity to become a leader in water technologies. By tapping into our made-in-Ontario expertise, the McGuinty government is protecting our water resources, creating green industry jobs and providing water technology to the world.”

 - Jim Bradley, Minister of the Environment

“This investment will help to provide Ontarians in the Lake Huron area with safe, clean and reliable drinking water.”

- Chris Bentley, MPP London West

“Today, the Province of Ontario has shown its commitment to a new and truly rural initiative to better understand how stormwater systems work in rural Ontario … This leading-edge work has not previously taken place and it will now fill a gap in understanding the nearshore water quality of Lake Huron. This better information will make it possible to implement improved strategic actions that protect water quality.”

- Jim Ginn, Chairman of the ABCA Board of Directors


  • Ontario’s clean water industry employs 22,000 and generates $1.8 billion in sales.
  • Ontario water companies are recognized leaders in ultraviolet disinfection, compact sewage treatment, water information system software and plant design and operation.

Media Contacts:

Chris Bentley’s Office
(519) 657 – 3120  

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
(519) 235-2610