
  • Youth in Grey Sauble are Watershed Guardians

    Watershed Guardians is a new environmental education initiative.
    Posted: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

  • Water quality network celebrates 60 years

    A province-wide network for monitoring of surface water quality in Ontario is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024.
    Posted: Monday, June 10, 2024

  • Crew tapes Plastic People doc in Bayfield area

    Society's addiction to plastic use has negative impacts on rivers, lakes, oceans and people; a local citizens' group and local youth are some of the people working to be part of the solution.
    Posted: Monday, November 27, 2023

  • Managing water and nutrients on Bruce Peninsula

    Organized by Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association (BPBA), a March 2023 event highlighted some of the work that BPBA has been doing on phosphorus reduction structures.
    Posted: Monday, June 12, 2023

  • Local mentors share cover crop knowledge

    Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and the Ontario Soil Network (OSN) are partnering to pilot a project that will enable agricultural producers to learn directly from other local, innovative producers.
    Posted: Wednesday, May 17, 2023

  • Protecting Great Lakes watersheds

    A number of recent reports in national media, local media, and agricultural media underline the need for actions, on a watershed basis, that preserve topsoil, build soil health and protect water quality.
    Posted: Tuesday, May 16, 2023

  • Partners research water, climate in Parkhill area

    The research looks at how surface water (such as a creek, river, or lake) and groundwater (water under our feet in aquifers) interact in different seasons.
    Posted: Friday, October 7, 2022

  • Scott Municipal Drain Restoration Project

    'This is a legacy that will carry on for generations,' said Huron-Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson during a celebration at the Scott Farm on Nature Centre Road just outside of Belgrave.
    Posted: Friday, September 23, 2022

  • Forest health faces threats

    A study into forest health, in a watershed along Lake Huron's southeast shore, identifies issues and the need for action to manage the forest health.
    Posted: Wednesday, September 21, 2022

  • Citizen scientists collect data

    Learn how atmospheric conditions, wildlife, algae blooms, beach litter, microplastics, human activity, storm and erosion damage have impacted the Lake Huron shoreline.
    Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2022

  • The Bayfield Beach Shipwreck

    In this segment of ‘What is Buried in Your Beach?’ we will uncover how the Lynda Hindman shipwreck came to be a tourist attraction and conversation maker off the shores of Pier Beach in Bayfield.
    Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2022

  • Battling Algal Blooms

    16-year-old Annabelle Rayson, a Grade 11 student from St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Sarnia, has set out to combat algal blooms in the Great Lakes.
    Posted: Thursday, September 8, 2022

  • Increased cover crop adoption benefits Lake Huron

    Local agricultural producers and other rural landowners have increased cover crop planting. They have done this with support of staff who create peer-to-peer workshop opportunities and links to funding incentive programs.
    Posted: Friday, May 6, 2022

  • This project helped to reduce sediment in McIntyre Weed Drain and Ferguson Drain.

    McIntyre, Ferguson drains case study

    This new Green Infrastructure case study looks at reducing sediment in McIntyre Weed Drain and Ferguson Drain in Alvinston, Ontario.
    Posted: Monday, February 28, 2022

  • Enjoy Great Lakes through virtual field trips

    How well do you know your Great Lakes? You will understand their importance better through these virtual field trips.
    Posted: Monday, January 17, 2022

  • Mapping of soil erosion by water

    Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, can be used to determine which locations are more vulnerable to threats such as flooding or erosion.
    Posted: Sunday, January 16, 2022

  • Stewardship in Pine River Watershed

    Pine River is one of six priority areas along Lake Huron's southeast shore.
    Posted: Tuesday, August 10, 2021

  • Part of the diverse landscape of the Lake Huron basin.  Photo: Courtesy of Dan Holm/The Word & Image Studio.

    We are all a #PieceofthePuzzle

    Lake Huron is big - and big can mean complicated! Over the next few months, the Healthy Lake Huron team will share aspects of the Lake Huron Watershed story.
    Posted: Tuesday, June 16, 2020

  • Water infiltration and accessibility

    The Brockton Community Garden offers urban stormwater solutions for your hamlet, village, town, or city to protect Lake Huron and keep our Great Lake great.
    Posted: Monday, June 15, 2020

  • Protecting water in Garvey-Glenn Watershed

    The Garvey-Glenn Watershed Project began in 2011 and aims to research and demonstrate how to best create a watershed that is resilient to the impacts of climate change.
    Posted: Friday, October 19, 2018

  • Planning for safe swimming in 2019

    Recent warm weather meant some people were swimming in Lake Huron in October. As you plan time on Lake Huron in 2019, don't forget to visit your local public health sites. Sign up for their social media feeds to learn about safe swimming practices.
    Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018

  • Water, water everywhere but ...

    People are funny. They often take for granted the most precious things that lie right under their noses. Take water for example ... (read on) ...
    Posted: Friday, September 28, 2018

  • Survey on beach, dune grasses

    Researchers at University of Waterloo invite you to take part in survey about beach and dune grasses.
    Posted: Thursday, September 20, 2018

  • Stormwater Stroll - Bayfield self-guided tour

    A new, self-guided tour of Bayfield - called the Stormwater Stroll, was unveiled on a day dedicated to loving our Great Lakes.
    Posted: Tuesday, September 4, 2018

  • Community volunteers help fight Phragmites

    The Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association (BPBA) continues to work with community volunteers and other partners to fight 'Canada's worst invasive plant.'
    Posted: Friday, May 11, 2018

  • New soil health strategy to help protect water

    “Healthy soil has many economic and environmental benefits including improved crop growth, yield and quality, water and nutrient retention, resilience, biodiversity, and climate change adaptation and mitigation,” according to the Executive Summary.
    Posted: Wednesday, May 2, 2018

  • Watershed Report Cards report on water quality

    Conservation authorities along Lake Huron's southeast shore - along with conservation authorities across Ontario - have released updated new Watershed Report Cards. Conservation authorities prepare the report cards every five years.
    Posted: Tuesday, April 24, 2018

  • Author's new book shares potential for healthier soil future

    David R. Montgomery is a geologist and professor who spoke along Lake Huron's southeast shore. The author sounds a little more optimistic these days about the current and future prospects for maintaining and improving soil health.
    Posted: Friday, October 20, 2017

  • Huron County continues to support landowner work to protect water

    Huron County landowners, community groups have completed more than 2,236 water-quality projects with support of Huron Clean Water Project
    Posted: Friday, April 28, 2017

  • The Importance of Reducing Phosphorus Discharge

    What Lake Huron can learn from Lake Erie.
    Posted: Monday, June 13, 2016

  • Plastic pollution: the solution is you

    Plastic pollution is emerging as a serious threat to the Great Lakes. Recent studies by US researchers have discovered that concentrations of plastic in the Great Lakes are higher than those in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch � a sea of fl
    Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015

  • Citizen scientists help collect water quality data

    Citizen science often involves volunteers who assist researchers by collecting information. Ausable Bayfield Conservation provided training for the volunteers, who collected water quality data from stormwater outfalls along the Bayfield Main Beach.
    Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015

  • Caring for the coast starts with learning about the coast

    When we think of Lake Huron we often conjure images of sandy beaches and the serenity of gentle waves reaching the shore. Lake Huron’s coastline is really a complex web of interacting features and processes working in a delicate balance, providing us w
    Posted: Monday, May 11, 2015

  • Bug study helps monitor water quality

    Small bugs can tell us a lot about shoreline ecology and the health of the lake. A recent study by the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation in shallow waters along the lakeshore is shining light on what lives in the lakebed sediments.
    Posted: Friday, May 23, 2014

  • Monitoring equipment installed on the Pine River

    Additional monitoring is underway in the Pine River watershed as part of a partnership project to develop a Rural Stormwater Management Model for the Healthy Lake Huron initiative.
    Posted: Monday, June 17, 2013

  • Beach water testing: how it works

    Health units follow a provincial Beach Management Protocol, which includes a pre-season assessment and routine (minimum weekly) sampling during the swimming season.
    Posted: Monday, June 17, 2013

  • Lake 's Unique Algae Problem

    Algae fouling on the Lake Huron shoreline appears to be caused by several distinct types of algae that combine in different proportions, depending on location and time of year.
    Posted: Friday, May 18, 2012

  • Water Restoration in Pine River Watershed

    Pine River Landowners Lead Watershed Restoration Efforts
    Posted: Thursday, May 17, 2012

  • Parks Canada Protects Lake Huron Beach from Invasive Phragmites

    Concern over a recently established colony of phragmites (Phragmites australis subsp. australis) at Singing Sands has prompted Parks Canada staff to take action against this invader.
    Posted: Thursday, May 17, 2012

  • Being Septic Smart! - The Inside Story

    Taking good care of your septic system will save time, money and worries involved in replacing a septic system that does not operate properly or has failed.
    Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2012

  • Friends of Sauble Beach

    The Friends of Sauble Beach (FSB) is a grassroots group of over 100 families who volunteer their time and raise funds to make Sauble Beach a more environmentally and user-friendly beach.
    Posted: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

  • Yuck!

    A Lake Huron shoreline cleanup article submitted by the Saugeen District Secondary School Planeteers.
    Posted: Monday, May 14, 2012

  • Why is Too Much Phosphorus an Issue?

    Parts of the Lake Huron shoreline, nearshore areas, and embayments are experiencing the effects of such a situation. Elevated levels of phosphorus contribute to nuisance algae growths.
    Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2011

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